Friday, March 6, 2009

The truth is not kind, and you said neither am I

I'm *fairly* sure my nose is higher up on my face than it was yesterday. Mysterious. I wonder where it is going?

Saw Watchmen last night... it was pretty good. It didn't blow me away, but neither did the comic. I think they're both pretty solid, though.

I was distracted for the parts of the film when the elder Silk Spectre was on screen because I *knew* I knew her from somewhere but I couldn't peg where. As I was falling asleep I recalled she was on a short-lived show on Space, and today I remembered that show was called "Threshold". Victory is mine!

Today I go to the first non-Aisling game night. I remembered when I thought of asking him if he'd seen it, and then recalled he wouldn't be there. Prolly for this best, his movie opinions are wack sometimes. Though not as wack as Shims.... and Gareth just takes the cake. Since we are now down to four players, I brought some of my favourite 4P games. I'm pretty happy I'll get to play them more...

Tomorrow I am idly considering going shopping for a skirt or two. I just seems a shame to hide away all these awesome socks I have! But something about skirts and me is a no go. I think it's pretty rare they suit me. It's not really being self-conscious about wearing them or anything, I just find it rare to try one on that suits me. We shall see...

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