Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finally, My New Website is Finished!!

I have been working real hard on changing the image of my business, giving it a brand new look and name.  I wanted a name a little more personal and close to my heart.  Here's the story:  When I was a little girl, my Grandpa really wanted my mom to name me Carri Jayne.  She decided not to, I am Carri Dawn, but he didn't care.  He called me Carri Jayne anyway, all my life.  Grandpa passed away when I was 14 and a lot of my best childhood memories involve him.  When I had my daughter, naturally her name had to be Haley Jayne.  It's just has such sentimental meaning to me.  So, I called Amy last summer and told her I needed help coming up with something new, and in 30 minutes she had it.  I never even thought of it.  I owe her. Big time.  So, here's the new logo, Amanda at came up with it for me and I just love it.  The new website is:   Mark it to your Favorites, the old site will work for just a little while.

Let me know what you guys think!!


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