Saturday, March 7, 2009

Put-In Revelation

Today was the start of put-in for Pericles, the show I'm lighting designer for, (which you should come to see in the next couple of weeks at MIT if you have the chance). It's been relatively low stress, mainly because the Ensemble is reaching a level of cadre where there are enough experienced people around that all the different disciplines have been planned out and work together. Here's hoping we can hold that together.

At some point during put-in I completed a rather odd accumulation of "effusive displays of affection" triggered in unusual ways from an interesting range of theater people around here. In order of occurrence:

1) Homosexual Male - states that he wants to have my children because I bring good sake to cast parties.
2) Heterosexual Female - states that she loves me because I bring sliced pepper-crusted turkey breast to put-in.
3) Heterosexual Male - states that he loves me because I brought an extra drill to put-in.
4) Homosexual Female - states that she wants to have my children because I looked impressive climbing down scaffolding.

Any conclusions to be drawn from this are left as an exercise to the reader.

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