Monday, March 23, 2009

4 days 'til my California vacation plus an amazing mini-excursion

Just about a week ago, I got the chance to take an amazing mini-excursion with a friend. That's right, I packed it all up, temporarily moved myself into an extended-stay suite, and found out just how awesome life can be when you take it in with a good friend. Even though I had to work some of the days, it was still a lot of fun. Once I'm able to write out the full entries of the days I spent with him, they might be backdated here. For now, however, I'm still working on trying to capture the full essence of the events of the 5 days. There are parts strewn here and there, and I'm still trying to bring it all together. That's why it's not up yet. Maybe soon.

The possibility exists that I might get cross-trained at the Special Effects Water Tank portion of the Backlot Tour here within the next few months as a part of my efforts to become a Coordinator for Backlands Attractions. If I can make it through that spiel-filled attraction and successfully assess there, then I can probably do the Shuttles portion of the tour as well, opening up the possibilities to get trained at Lights, Motors, Action!, Toy Story Midway Mania!, and a few other attractions as well. The prospect is scary, especially for the higher-tech attractions...but it'd be nice just to be able to move up instead of moving on and subsequently having to take a pay cut. It might just be the change in pace that I need.

Starting March 26th, I'll be out of town, taking a paid vacation with my mother out to California to take in Disneyland, Disney's California Adventure, and a few other California offerings as well. I certainly hope the weather will be nice. I will try and make a full report of my time out there as well. I return March 30th.

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